a great summer indeed...
Published Monday, August 22, 2005 by poole | E-mail this post
so no cruises... roadtrips... or even a trip to the beach.... yes folks, this summer was just as eventful here in denton, texas. you are dealing with a working woman. woman who created the wheel, woman who built the eiffel tower. anyhow, i have compiled a list... a top ten, if you will, of things that would make me very happy to see in someone else...
10. a generous tipper /or always nice to people that serve them
9. very athletic... likes to do all types of outdoorsy things
8. cheesy musical taste such as myself (songs can include mr. roboto, its all coming back to me, any 80's love song really, and lfo's summer girl or backstreet boys' i want it that way)
7. a damn good sense of humor... or sarcasm... they both work
6. a BMW
5. obviously kidding about no. 6, with that said, ravishing good looks, and a BMW
4. an inner dorky side
3. a fun circle of friends
2. a neato family
1. and a keene sense of how happy i could make them
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