Ground control to major tom...
Published Wednesday, December 07, 2005 by poole | E-mail this post
Did you ever get a paper back in school because the teacher wouldn't accept it with grammatical errors? Me neither, because I am a genius... But those people down at CLC (college licensing company) weren't so lucky... Or was the error in the favor of the brilliant minds of the longhorns? You decide...
a rose bowl tee that is being sold has a few errors...
1. The rose bowl hasn't been decided yet... Remember the Cal people last year that got dicked over ? (although we all know it will be USC and Texas, but still, you understand)
2. And most important the shirt reads "every rose has it's 'horns'" .. You see, "it's" means "it is"... "Every rose has it is horns".. Sounds about right. When using "it" as the possessive.. There is no apostrophe. Not like using a proper noun such as "Cullen's blog rocks."
3. What were they thinking when they chose to use this saying anyways?? "every rose has its horns".. First of all, they have "thorns", big difference. And even if you liked the play on words, or "pun" if you will... The "thorns" are the worst part of the rose. No one buys the rose on valentine's day because it's thorny.. They are annoying...They buy it because its bud is pretty. Now, if they were to put "you can't grab THIS bull by its horns"... Or "beast beats man"... Or even something like "horns eat roses for breakfast"... Those are classy :) haha. But really, "every rose has it's horns" beat out the no. 2 "a rose by any other name, would still smell as sweet" from Romeo and Juliet in this weeks VH1 special, "top 100 sayings about a rose" that came on right after "top 100 worst moments on television that involved Paris Hilton".
moral of the English lesson... Rebel against those teachers that sent the papers back to you with red ink covering the paper like the blood pouring from the finger that you sliced on the bitch of thorn when you were trying to be nice and give your mother something beautiful for her birthday.. Take a stand and wear that shirt like you fuckin own it (because chances are, if you are wearing it, you do), and grab life buy its figurative "horns" and ride that bitch... You ride that steer all the way to Pasadena... Where a crowd of maroon and gold will be wearing shirts that don't look like a second graders book report, and you tell them "fuck ya'll, I'm from Texas... Where former governor and proud Texan, G W Bush, made the Texas public education system the schooling Mecca that it is today!"
this has been capt c, reminding you kids to "be cool, and stay in school"
comment posting wasn't working... test. test. shut up. test.
YEAAAAYYYYUHHH! up and running... good deal.
you only point out these trivial things to suppress your deep down uncertainties...that is, that texas is a better TEAM, with more overall TALENT position-for-position. so pull that thorny horn out of your ass and admit to what you know is going to happen...UT on top of USC.
hook 'em!
your friend,
first time blog commenting,
fuck ya'll i'm from texas,
and for others reading this and not understanding the relavence of my comment above to cullen's intial post which has nothing to do with which team will be victorious in the rose BOWL...
there is no relavence.
i am just trying to throw more into the POT with my obsession of texas coming out as national champions...(since cullen thinks otherwise)
basically i am just trying STIR this situation up some more...
well i guess what i am really trying to say, is cullen will be BAKING me a cake...
when texas wins.
(cullen, don't forget, angel food cake / powdered sugar icing... homemade)
I love a good laugh in the morning.
it's true, i did not say anything bad about the football team, and i do get to have my own opinion. i think it will be a great game.... but tiff, call my grandmother and ask for the poole family red velvet cake recipe.. of course the icing in that is homemade too.
-capt c
Before you go leaving blogs about spelling on UT shirts...check yourself. “You all”...when abbreviated and pronounced not spelled, ya’ll. It’s y’all.
I’d cover your papers in red too. Be cool. Go back to school. Except try attending the one in Austin that you’re always ranting about. You might learn something.
Before you go leaving blogs about spelling on UT shirts...check yourself. “You all”...when abbreviated and pronounced not spelled, ya’ll. It’s y’all.
I’d cover your papers in red too. Be cool. Go back to school. Except try attending the one in Austin that you’re always ranting about. You might learn something.
check it sister... i am not always ranting... football on the other case just tends to be such a touchy subject with all you longhorns. (which makes me wonder "why?" but that is another blog all in itself) wish i could be so cool as to hop on the bandwagon, but i wasn't even cool enough to be in my best friends "lisa frank" club when i was 7. anyhow, if all that red ink means that one mistake in a slang term.. you are right, my parents should have sent me to boot camp to whip my ass into shape. blogs are supposed to be formal anyways... not expression. tell me ahout how usc sucks so bad and then i can go home and cry, too. i guess getting that trojan tattoo on my back was a bad idea, because my friends don't like them :( as far as errors on blogs and t-shirts go, (oh god, you aren't upset because you bought that one, are you?) a mass produced item sold for profit should be a little more careful than a gal who just writes a blog for four of her buddies to read...
ps- how many times did you read to find that one error?
maybe you should read it again to see that i wasn't ranting... it was something that i found humorous, and if you will notice, there isn't one solid statement about the university or the football team (god forbid) that was directly negative. thanks for always listening, friends.
this has been capt c, thanking you, for keeping it real and standing up for what you believe in.
Whoa whoa whoa. You girls...but seriously, proofreading is a lost art these days in ALL forms. Do you know how long it takes me to proofread ONE of my girl's papers?? A freaking lifetime, it seems. But then again, what do I know, I'm just a word-obsessed, hunt-and-pecking, two-eggs-short-of-a-dozen grad student. So there.
By the way I just looked at that shirt and there is definitely NO apostrophe in the "its"...sorry to ruin your entry but looks like the Longhorns got it right. Just like they'll get it right on January 4th when they beat USC.
Mel- Do you really believe that no one besides Cullen would catch that glaring mistake and let the shirts stay on the shelves? I am sure if you look around when you get back to Texas you will find some sucker who paid $20 for the shirt without noticing the typo. Better yet, grab some poor bastard in Pasadena who road-tripped it from Texas, bought a ticket from a scalper for $2000, and is sitting on the curb after the game drying his eyes with that $20 tee. Wrench it from his hands and offer it to Mack and Vince so they can wipe their asses with it. The asses that Reggie just handed 'em.
If there were a word verification it would be
sxhfit, meaning yet another year that Mack falls short
mel, we sold out of the typo shirts.. and got a shipment of corrected ones..
i'll send you a pic
incase you didnt notice... i feed off of this... that is until one of my friends turns into a punk and actually gets mad... so don't let that happen :)
-keep it real