"a sobering thought: what if at this very moment i am living up to my full potential?" -jane wagner

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anyone that knows me well, knows this is my all time fav. thought i would share that.... on another note, school has started and its been fun so far. i am taking all internet classes which leaves me a lot of free time to do things i really like. i am actually about to go rock climing... sounds grand. so top ten of the day... things i would rather be doing today then sitting in a classroom. in no particular order...

10. biking
9. kayaking
8. cliff jumping
7. playing sand vball, soccer, or basketball
6. shopping
5. hiking
4. buying gas for less that 2 dollars again.
3. watching the news about one of my fav cities... new orleans :(
2.partying (holly and i start drinking at 3 today for her birhtday..... HECK YES
1. rock climbing... and that is where i am going right now... this second.. peace

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