"a sobering thought: what if at this very moment i am living up to my full potential?" -jane wagner

top ten.... whats your number one?

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So rachael and alisha always post things intended for viewers to reply, and i think that is a wonderful idea. i will try to keep up with the top ten as well, but for now, i leave it up to you guys....

what is your single most guilty pleasure?

and for the sake of jesus christo (in a spanish accent), do NOT say laguna beach or paris hilton.

2 Responses to “top ten.... whats your number one?”

  1. Blogger Rachael 

    really?? no paris? my next post was actually going to be all the reason i wish i was paris hilton! no, seriously.

    my number one guilty pleasure is probably downloading music. or having sex in elevators. woops! not that that makes me feel guilty.

  2. Blogger ALISHA 

    My most guilty pleasure is not feeling guilty for anything. Well, I guess I feel somewhat guilty for blogging...when I should be working.

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