"a sobering thought: what if at this very moment i am living up to my full potential?" -jane wagner

end of the world... part duex

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In the wake of Katrina and Rita, many have come to acknowledge that these might be signs. "
"Signs for what?" you ask. Signs that our world is ending. Yes, I joke, but at the same time, all of these "signs" are a little too obvious. First the Tsunami. The death toll was inconcievable. The damage, something this generation's eyes have never seen.. then, Katrina, Rita, the Pakistani Quake that killed nearly 80,000 (msn.com's new count), and now... Wilma. In its first few days of formation, it has now become the fastest developed, and most intense Atlantic storm in recorded history... with the lowest recorded barometric pressure. So you still ask, "why do you think these are signs?" Well folks, quite simply, I am a conspiracy theorist. So along the same lines, I like to think that there is always something more than just the surface. Think about it... can you remember a time where there were so many disasters... so many historic events in such a short time? let me think, I got the Waco cult shooting... back in like 89. OK city bombing... '94. Flood of the Mississippi during Clinton's occupancy of the office, but all was well in FEMA back then so shit got taken care of. And of course, 9/11/01. All of these are a stretch, I know. So there have actually been many instances where the world was tested... but right now, it just seems much more intense than ever. I think God is tired of us fighting... and all of these natural disasters are just settings us all in the same boat. No one is to blame, therefore we can't retaliate. And everyone wants nothing more than to help those who have been effected. by the way, i love oprah... ten million dollars out of her own pocket to the Katrina Fund. so i guess where i am going with all of this is here... I dont think it is the end of the world at all... If anything, we are just being knocked on our ass so that we can start to care about the important stuff in life, like "purpose", "people", and "giving". so apparently we haven't recieve that memo, so we will endure all that Wilma has to bring, and maybe, just maybe, we will get tired of being knocked on our ass.


1 Responses to “end of the world... part duex”

  1. Blogger Justin Thyme 

    Well said!
    Or maybe it's just as simple as being God's way of saying "get of my property!"

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