Published Tuesday, January 23, 2007 by poole.
Wow i have been out of commission for a year now.. i got an itch to look at my blogger and was so interested in reading all of my previous posts. so anyhow here is my year in review...
last march, joined the airforce.. still dont know why but that seems to be the general consensus for everyone im here with.
may- i graduated basic training and moved on to the police academy.
summer- sweated every ounce of the gallons of water i was drinking running through hills and woods with camo paint on my face and waking up at 330 am to run around the base before running through the woods all day. drinking occasionally on my secret weekends back to austin.
august- graduated the police academy and moved to florida.
september- tanned on the beach everyday. worked everyday as well.
october- saw the fray in orlando. missed the birth of my first nephew.
thanksgiving- worked.
christmas- worked.
new years- went to texas for my final stomp until sept 07.
2007- worked. fired every weapon to qualify before my deployment. drank. slept. and missed home.
so now you know me. hahaha. here are some pics to celebrate.
shortly before i came in
my brother and my nephew
back at lackland afb this summer, the buds came to visit me
riding the dolphins in tampa... on the airport carpet that is..
a few of the beach and bay
what i do with all of my off time
what i wish i was doing with all of my off time