Published Friday, October 28, 2005 by poole.
watch out.. i might pop a cap or shank a bitch... and i still haven't stopped bleeding from the "thug life" tatt across my stomach or the "vatos locos forever" one down my arm...
Published Monday, October 24, 2005 by poole.
the horns are now number one in the bsc polls... i cant wait.
this has been captian c-pizzy, reminding you to "vote for vince"
Published Saturday, October 22, 2005 by poole.
dont ever play me in a game of poker. ever. i will take your money. all of it. the brevity of my statement speaks loudly. i am cocky. i have a cold beer in my hand. i just won everyone's money. they want a rematch. i will take the challenge. dont ever play me in a game of poker. my pocket is full of money like my name was honey and i have a gold tooth. my pocket is fat like i dance for cash. bring it.
Published Friday, October 21, 2005 by poole.
Many of you may know that I work at a UT store part time when I venture into Austin... you may also know that I HATE UT FOOTBALL. I am at work right now, and I need to write this down before I get fired for leaping over the counter and attacking the next asshole that says something about the "next big game", asks my opinion, and before I can get it out he states "you probably don't keep up with it, huh?"... YES BIAAAAATTTTTCH! I know more about college football than your dumb ass. Just because you come in here the day before a game to buy a shirt to wear to the game, makes you no better than this long blonde haired gal. In fact, I am willing to bet my next paycheck that "your" team, the longhorns, dont stand a chance at being national champs. Where do you get the nerve to say that they could actually be victorious against USC. Lets face it, you were only cheering for ND to win because if USC lost that game, the chances of Mac B actually facing AND BEATING the best team in the nation for the Rose Bowl is slim to none.... and even if ND won... mack vs. charlie weis... I'll take charlie anyday. UT football is so overrated. Yes Vince is good... but he loses composure so easily.... just happens to be his luck that when that happens, he runs, and he can't be stopped. Don't get me wrong, I think UT has talent, but the coach doesn't. All of the shirts that say "braggin rights", and "O WHO?" need to go too. Are you kidding me???? one time you beat a team, THAT ISNT GOOD! WHAT IS THERE TO BRAG ABOUT???? YOU LOSING FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS??? Anyhow, I feel better now. just dont come in here and expect me to root for a shit team just because I am from Austin, or because I wear orange... I support teams, just not mac brown and his overrated football squad.
my bet: tech is gonna win by 6.
Published Wednesday, October 19, 2005 by poole.
In the wake of Katrina and Rita, many have come to acknowledge that these might be signs. "
"Signs for what?" you ask. Signs that our world is ending. Yes, I joke, but at the same time, all of these "signs" are a little too obvious. First the Tsunami. The death toll was inconcievable. The damage, something this generation's eyes have never seen.. then, Katrina, Rita, the Pakistani Quake that killed nearly 80,000 (msn.com's new count), and now... Wilma. In its first few days of formation, it has now become the fastest developed, and most intense Atlantic storm in recorded history... with the lowest recorded barometric pressure. So you still ask, "why do you think these are signs?" Well folks, quite simply, I am a conspiracy theorist. So along the same lines, I like to think that there is always something more than just the surface. Think about it... can you remember a time where there were so many disasters... so many historic events in such a short time? let me think, I got the Waco cult shooting... back in like 89. OK city bombing... '94. Flood of the Mississippi during Clinton's occupancy of the office, but all was well in FEMA back then so shit got taken care of. And of course, 9/11/01. All of these are a stretch, I know. So there have actually been many instances where the world was tested... but right now, it just seems much more intense than ever. I think God is tired of us fighting... and all of these natural disasters are just settings us all in the same boat. No one is to blame, therefore we can't retaliate. And everyone wants nothing more than to help those who have been effected. by the way, i love oprah... ten million dollars out of her own pocket to the Katrina Fund. so i guess where i am going with all of this is here... I dont think it is the end of the world at all... If anything, we are just being knocked on our ass so that we can start to care about the important stuff in life, like "purpose", "people", and "giving". so apparently we haven't recieve that memo, so we will endure all that Wilma has to bring, and maybe, just maybe, we will get tired of being knocked on our ass.
Published Wednesday, October 12, 2005 by poole.
Sometimes, being away from home is hard. I know, I know... I have been away for three years now, and you would think that it was no longer an issue... but now it is getting more difficult by the day. In my last post, I talked about going to Alisha'a house, and how great the food was, but there was so much more. I miss being around families. Everyday, its the same thing, over and over and over. College students. I am so attached to the idea of a "family" that I miss Austin more each day. While at Alisha's, I did eat well, but the company was so much more. I felt like I was with my hilarious/outgoing/crazy/loving/always looking for a good time, family. Snoop dog was only part of it... I MISS MY DOG! haha. And, Oh yes, I will steal him one day, Alisha. haha... just wait for it. Thanks for a great weekend. The Sare's rock.... and Austin, I am coming soon!!!!!! and shannon and bruce.. next time.. i cook for you! Cullen-ary arts... the name is the game... just like "pool"e.
-cullen poole
Published Sunday, October 09, 2005 by poole.
i am broke. financial aid is making me crazy.. its now oct, and i havent recieved a VERY large check that was supposed to have come about 2 months ago.
the weekend was good though. Alisha invited me over and she, darci, bruce, shannon, and i played pool for and had a few beers.
saturday i woke up and tiff and i ventured to alisha's again, only this time to watch ou and texas suck. but oh dear.... shannon cooked the best meal i have had in a long time... no restaurant, just plain ol goodness. bbq chicken, steak, and sausage.... salad, baked potatoes, and garlic bread as well. and i almost stole shannon's "mini-pin", snoop. we were made for eachother. next time.... there's always next time. ;)
last night, tiff and i drank like old people on the porch, and then watched "the beach". i had no idea that the movie was what it turned out to be... pretty good, check it out.
so today i went to a soccer game to see some friends and have just been hanging out since.
I watched a documentary called "we are dad". its about gay parents... and everything that comes with it. I was in tears at how big some of these peoples hearts are, and the world hates them because they dont agree with who they love. when will our world GROW UP? i am so tired of people being so concerned with how others are acting, that they never take the neccessary step backwards to see the person they are. when you are holding up picket signs and shouting words of hate.... you are being so hypocritical. most of you do it in the name of jesus. jesus asked only that we share god's love... in any way that we can... just show people that they are loved. there will always be religous disputes... but i think we can all agree that in no way does "hate" ever replace, display, or create "love". where did you become confused?
Published Thursday, October 06, 2005 by poole.
a white female rapper... that is good.
less of fuckin puffy daddy.
paris hilton getting knocked up.
angelina on my doorstep to recruit me to join the goodwill ambassadors.
my bank account to be increased... Significantly.
another clinton in office. a larger circle of people... this "everybody knows everybody" is killin me.
a 4.0 on my good ol report card this semester.
my grandmother.
my bulging abs biceps... they are gettin there.
In this time, and place in my life, I have come to the conclusion that I have no passion. In highschool I was so competitive and sports and school activities gave me an outlet to feel like I was doing something imortant... but here I sit, moving thru the motions of life (going to school, catering to my family, and loving my friends) but I have nothing to be passionate about (at this time). my hobbies are simply just hobbies. until today... i woke up, and in honor of the cold weather that has finally knocked on our front doorstep, i decided to read the paper that I pay for. ABSTINENCE was on the front page. I instantly felt like I had to read it and now I feel like I must preach it. George W. Bush has invested millions of dollars in a Dallas based abstinence awareness group... "why?" you ask... because the government feels that sex-ed is not worth teaching... that if we tell the kids to just not have sex, they will listen. I nearly disagree with every aspect of the Bush administration... but this... this just sets me over the top. of course abstinence is a reasonable message, if you are mormon, amish, or spend 4 hours a day at your local southern baptist church (oh yeah, that was me at one point in time, but another story for another day)... but lets face it. we are human beings, and if we cant "fight these urges"... where will our youth be then? out of the six kids interviewed in this feature... the majority said they didnt believe in any method of birth control... thats great. although our nation is on a decline for teenage pregnancy, 64 out of ever 1000 teens are still utilizing the uterus by makin dem babies. I am sorry, but if you refuse to teach about the std's and other life altering consequences that come from swappin spit... our youth will not only be ignorant, they will be std ridden mothers and fathers. Bush, put your money where your mouth is... is laura the only person you have had sex with? didn't think so.. sorry dick... didnt mean to call you out on that, but we all know thats why you have the heart problems you do; our nations leader is one tough cookie in the bedroom... why else would he be living like there is a stick shoved up his ass.... dick, you gotta remember to take out that anal plug... its not safe to leave in for multiple hours... something you would have learned if you were teaching sex education and not the corny shit your grandmother fed you. "dont have sex until you are married"... then what? you will be married and having stds? everyone understands the elementary philosophy that teaches "if you dont do it, then there wont be consequences". since when have kids stopped playing the fun game because you say you think it is a bad one... no sir, kids learn by putting fear in thier hearts... tell them that they cant play hide and go seek because the grass that they will walk on will give them a rash that cant be removed. tell them that the person that is "it" is "it" because the have a disease, and they dont get rid of it by tagging someone that isn't on base.. they just pass it to them as well. tell them that the game they are playing has risks in hopes that they will listen and cease. or just tell them "we know it is a really fun game, but we dont think you should play it"... your choice. i choose the one that enlightens people and gives them power thru knowledge.